Biceps Tenodesis
Phase I (Weeks 0-4)
- Sling immobilization to be worn at all times except for showering and rehab under guidance of PT
- Range of Motion –PROM -> AAROM -> AROM of elbow as tolerated without resistance (allows biceps tendon to heal into new insertion on the humerus without being stressed), AROM of shoulder (no restriction)Goals: full passive flexion/extension at elbow and full shoulder AROMEncourage pronation/supination without resistanceGrip strengthening
- Goals: full passive flexion/extension at elbow and full shoulder AROM
- Encourage pronation/supination without resistance
- Grip strengthening
- Heat/Ice before and after PT sessions
Phase II (Weeks 4-12)
- Discontinue sling immobilization
- Range of MotionBegin AROM of elbow with passive stretching at end ranges to maintain/increase elbow/biceps flexibility
- Begin AROM of elbow with passive stretching at end ranges to maintain/increase elbow/biceps flexibility
- Therapeutic ExerciseBegin light isometrics with arm at side for rotator cuff and deltoid – can advance to bands as toleratedBegin light resistive biceps strengthening at 8 weeks
- Begin light isometrics with arm at side for rotator cuff and deltoid – can advance to bands as tolerated
- Begin light resistive biceps strengthening at 8 weeks
- Modalities per PT discretion
Phase III (Months 3-6)
- Range of Motion – Progress to full AROM of elbow without discomfort
- Therapeutic ExerciseContinue and progress with Phase II exercisesBegin UE ergometerBegin sport-specific rehabilitationReturn to throwing at 3 monthsThrowing from a mound at 4.5 monthsReturn to sports at 6 months if approvedModalities per PT discretion
- Continue and progress with Phase II exercises
- Begin UE ergometer
- Begin sport-specific rehabilitation
- Return to throwing at 3 months
- Throwing from a mound at 4.5 months
- Return to sports at 6 months if approved
- Modalities per PT discretion