Arthroscopic Meniscectomy/Chondral Debridement
Phase I (Weeks 0-2)
- Weightbearing: As tolerated with crutches (for balance) x 24-48 hours – progress to WBAT
- Range of Motion – AAROM -> AROM as toleratedGoal: Immediate full range of motion
- Goal: Immediate full range of motion
- Therapeutic ExercisesQuad and Hamstring setsHeel slidesCo-contractionsIsometric adduction and abduction exercisesStraight-leg raisesPatellar mobilization
- Quad and Hamstring sets
- Heel slides
- Co-contractions
- Isometric adduction and abduction exercises
- Straight-leg raises
- Patellar mobilization
Phase II (Weeks 2-4)
- Weightbearing: As tolerated
- Range of Motion – maintain full ROM – gentle passive stretching at end ranges
- Therapeutic ExercisesQuadriceps and Hamstring strengtheningLungesWall-sitsBalance exercises – Core work
- Quadriceps and Hamstring strengthening
- Lunges
- Wall-sits
- Balance exercises – Core work
Phase III (Weeks 4-6)
- Weightbearing: Full weightbearing
- Range of Motion – Full/Painless ROM
- Therapeutic ExercisesLeg pressHamstring curlsSquatsPlyometric exercisesEndurance workReturn to athletic activity as tolerated
- Leg press
- Hamstring curls
- Squats
- Plyometric exercises
- Endurance work
- Return to athletic activity as tolerated