5 Easy Ways for Dealing with Shoulder Pain
Do you find yourself constantly rolling your shoulders in an attempt to reduce stiffness or pain?
It’s becoming an increasingly common issue as many people are now working from home or sitting in an office for eight hours a day. However, shoulder pain can significantly lower your quality of life. So, how do you put it to rest once and for all?
We’re here to help you out. Keep reading for five ways to deal with shoulder pain and regain your healthy body.
1. Adjust How You Sleep
If you have preexisting neck or shoulder pain, it’s very possible that the way you sleep is exacerbating that pain. Sleeping on your back will help with shoulder pain reduction.
Don’t use a pillow that elevates the head too high. You want your body to be relatively flat and even, and a large pillow can result in your head resting at an unnatural angle.
2. Use a Compress
A compress can be used to ease short-term pain at home. However, whether you need a cold or hot compress depends on the type of pain. For general soreness and muscle aches, either a cold or hot compress will do.
If your shoulder is stiff, a hot compress will work best. Either an electric heating pad or a damp warm towel can be applied to the shoulder.
If you’re dealing with inflammation, a cold compress is better. You can use freezer packs, a bag of frozen vegetables, or a damp cold towel. If you’re using anything frozen, it’s wise to wrap it in a cloth before applying it to the shoulder.
3. See a Pain Specialist
If your pain is unrelenting, it’s wise to see a specialist. It’s especially important if you’re unable to pinpoint the cause of your shoulder pain.
An orthopedic or pain management specialist can help identify what’s causing the pain and build a treatment plan for you. This can be critical if the shoulder pain is a result of a sports injury. A professional can help you not only treat it but also suggest how to avoid similar potential injuries and maintain a healthy body.
4. Improve Your Posture
Many shoulder pain problems are a result of accompanying neck pain. When working at a desk, it’s easy to fall into poor posture habits, which can lead to neck and shoulder pain.
When sitting at a desk, be sure to keep your back straight and shoulders rolled back. If you catch yourself hunching over, adjust your seat and desk supplies. Often moving your chair closer to your desk and drawing your desk supplies nearer to you is enough to ensure good posture.
The same can be said when standing or walking. Keeping a straight back, rolled-back shoulders, and unlocked knees is key to alleviating shoulder pain caused by poor posture.
5. Do Gentle Exercises
Gentle exercises can help you strengthen your neck and shoulder muscles and aid with pain relief. Many of these exercises can be done in less than five minutes, which makes them ideal for office breaks.
Yoga is another great option to alleviate pain. It’s a gentle way to stretch the muscles in your body without exerting them too heavily.
Say Goodbye to Shoulder Pain and Hello to a Healthy Body
Even the slightest shoulder pain can make doing simple tasks difficult. However, with a little effort, you can take steps to reduce the pain. This guide will help you tackle your shoulder pain and build a healthy body.
Need the help of a specialist? Our team is ready to help you deal with any pain you may be experiencing. Contact us today!